Casting production process and defect analysis


In the process of making castings, it is effective to p […]

In the process of making castings, it is effective to pour its solid state liquid at room temperature, but soon to pour the solidified material into its specific shape of the mold and wait for its solidification and forming. Metal material heated to liquid state.

The material used in the process of casting can be metal, sand or ceramic. In the process of use, the method used will vary according to the requirements of its use. Such a method is called its Castings.

In the production process of castings, it is possible to produce parts with relatively complex shapes, especially relatively complicated inner cavity blanks. The entire product has a very wide adaptability. Such products are metal materials often used in the industry and can be processed. Casting.

In the process of casting, the quality requirements for castings are relatively good. This will directly lead to a reduction in its machining allowance, so that the defects of the product will be reduced to a certain extent. Casting in vacuum, previously considered to be a qualified precision heat-resistant steel precision casting, is now judged to be a reject.

In the actual production of castings, it is often necessary to effectively analyze the defects of the castings. The purpose is to find out the cause of the defects, so that it is easy to take measures to prevent them, and then effectively combine the actual conditions of the casting production. Local technical requirements.

The castings need to have certain hardness and tensile strength in terms of materials, and have certain elongation and impact toughness, dimensional accuracy and shape and position accuracy during use. Different castings have different requirements and use different sizes. And geometric tolerances

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