Common defects in castings manufacturers


  Common defects in castings manufacturers mainly […]


Common defects in castings manufacturers mainly include inclusion defects and hole defects. So, what is the difference between slag hole, porosity, shrinkage porosity, blisters, and pinholes in defects?

First of all, miscellaneous defects:

1. Slag inclusion: Defects formed due to the lack of separation of molten slag inclusions in the molten metal, which are generated during the pouring process.

2. Sand hole: due to the defects formed by the inclusion of sand fragments in the molten metal, it is likely to have existed before the molten metal enters the cavity, and some are formed by sand washing during pouring.

Secondly, hole-type defects (that is, there are no inclusions in the defect):

Cast iron

1. Porosity: the official scientific name should be shrinkage porosity, which is a honeycomb defect caused by insufficient feeding when molten metal is solidified;

2. Shrinkage porosity: It should be shrinkage porosity, which is more serious shrinkage porosity, that is, shrinkage porosity has been concentrated into one or several larger holes, and the upper part of shrinkage porosity is usually accompanied by shrinkage porosity area.

3. Pinholes: actually needle-shaped pores, which can be divided into many types according to the formation mechanism. Sometimes because the slag or sand contains gas-producing substances, slag pores will appear.

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